The Checkup: 19 Food Imposters You Probably Shouldn’t Eat

• If Cool Whip, Miracle Whip or I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter are on your grocery shopping list, scratch them off. They’re on another list—of 19 fake foods that try to pass as food really but aren’t—that you definitely don’t want to crib notes from. [Prevention]

• Because fashion is important, even when you’re at the gym (right?), here are 10 fashion faux pas runners should avoid. [Runner’s World]

Whole grains, explained by Mark Bittman. Awesome. [New York Times]

• Fact: Just because your stomach growls doesn’t mean you’re hungry. [Greatist]

• Here’s what it looks like when 1,500 women and men (yes, men, too) run through New York City in bras. [Well+Good NYC]

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