Fix Your Feet: 6 Home Remedies to Get Your Feet Ready for Sandal Season

The one bummer thing about running is how badly it destroys my feet: black toe nails, callused heels, blistered toes. It’s part and parcel with the sport, I guess, but if you’re like me and you like to run and wear flip flops in the summer, you probably have a problem.
Since sandal season appears to have come early this year (not that I’m complaining!), I thought it might be useful to take a looksie at what the Internet has to offer in terms of feet-fixing home remedies, from foot soaks to scrubs and more. Here, six ways to fix your feet with things you probably already have in your pantry.
Buttermilk Foot Soak
via Eye Candy
The milk in this recipe is supposed to soften your feet and the sugar helps exfoliate. If you’re a runner, you may not want to remove all your calluses (hey, they’re there for a reason, right?), so this is a good way to soften and soothe without taking off too much.
Light Cucumber Shell Foot Mask
The ingredients here—cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice—may sound more salad dressing than foot remedy, but it works: the cuke refreshes, the lemon exfoliates, and the olive oil moisturizes.
Homemade Nail and Cuticle Conditioning Oil
via Gorgeously Green
If your cuticles are downright outrageous right now (I don’t blame you—you’ve been wearing socks for six months!), try this DIY concoction made of almond oil, vitamin E oil and essential oils to ease them back into tip-top shape.
Epsom Salt Soak
via Darling Magazine
Athletes swear by Epsom salt soaks because they can help relieve pain and get rid of stinky foot odor (ew). Add a few drops of an essential oil, like this recipe calls for, and you’ve got yourself a pretty luxe foot bath.
Avocado Foot Scrub
I’m still not over my avocado obsession, so this one sounds right up my alley. The trick is letting an avocado pit dry out for a few days, then smashing it up with a hammer to create little exfoliating bits. Mix it in with the green avocado innards, cornmeal and some sea salt and—voila!—homemade foot scrub.
Baking Soda Soak
via You Put It On
I’m positive you have baking soda sitting in your pantry right now, so consider this two-ingredient recipe—baking soda and warm water—the lazy man’s (woman’s?) at-home pedicure.
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