FROM OUR SPONSOR: Could You Be at Risk for Diabetes?


By Sue Schick
CEO, UnitedHealthcare of Pennsylvania & Delaware

Nearly 24 million americans have diabetes and only two-thirds of them have been diagnosed. That leaves one-third (or about seven million people) undiagnosed. could you be one of them?

Diabetes can lead to serious problems such as kidney failure, blindness, and heart disease. Some of these problems can be prevented, but only if the disease is diagnosed and treated.

Don’t wait for symptoms. type 2 diabetes may not cause any noticeable symptoms for years. often, people only learn they have diabetes when they develop a major complication, such as kidney disease, heart attack, or stroke.

You’re at increased risk of developing diabetes if you:

  • have a cholesterol problem, such as low “good” HDL cholesterol (35 or lower) or high trigylcerides (250 or more)
  • are 45 years of age or older
  • have a parent or sibling with diabetes
  • are African American, Native American, Latino, Asian American, or Pacific Islander
  • have high blood pressure (140/90 or higher)
  • are overweight
  • exercise less than three times a week
  • had gestational diabetes
  • gave birth to a baby who weighed more than 9 pounds

If you fall into any of these categories, talk to your doctor about getting tested.

Read more about diabetes risk, prevention and management.