Meet a Health Hero: Kim Fortunato
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Name: Kim Fortunato
Occupation: Director of childhood obesity and hunger, Campbell Soup Company
Who or what motivates you to be healthy?
I grew up with a severely disabled sister; in many ways, she became a role model for me in her courage to deal with life’s challenges. At a very young age, I became aware of the many gifts I had as a healthy—physically and intellectually—well young person. Although Gwenne died two years ago, she continues to be my inspiration.
Describe a health- or fitness-related turning point in your life.
At age 35, I had a breast-cancer scare. While I considered myself healthy, I began to run. Within 18 months, I completed the first (of two) marathons. I continue to run, practice yoga, eat healthfully—to this day, 20 years later.
What “policy” would you institute to make Philadelphia a healthier city?
Policies around access are most important to me. It’s a matter of equity that all people have access to healthy foods and safe places to play and recreate.
What’s the most important part of your health or fitness regimen?
Daily meditate, yoga two to three times per week, lots of fresh produce and water.
What is your No. 1 piece of health-related advice or encouragement?
Our bodies and minds are our “instruments.” The must be well cared for in order to be finely tuned. Preventative maintenance is key.