Celeb Pulse: Rihanna’s Vitamin I.V. Drip Starts Weird Trend

The Hollywood health and fitness gossip we're buzzing about this week

Rihanna Starts Bizarre Vitamin I.V. Drip Trend. Last month, Rihanna caused quite the scare when she tweeted a picture of herself hooked up to an I.V. People all over the world wondered OMG why has Rihanna been hospitalized?! Turns out she had just voluntarily hooked herself up to an I.V. drip for a supposed vitamin booster, sparking a new trend for these so-called “party-girl drips.” Holistic physicians claim it can cure exhaustion and boost the immune system. Psychologists say it’s a bunch of bunk, and nutritionists say high doses of vitamins can be toxic. I think I’ll stick to my gummy vitamins for now, Rihanna. You live your life and I’ll live mine. [The Guardian]

Justin Bieber runs into glass wall, “paralyzes” eyebrow. This is news people. During a break between sets at a Paris show last week, Bieber walked backstage and bonked his head on a glass wall. Miraculously, he was able to return to the stage and finish performing, but that was after he passed out for around 15 seconds. Docs say the Justin suffered a mild concussion but he’s on the mend. The only lingering issue? The teen popstar supposedly paralyzed his eyebrow in the accident. [TMZ]

Sheryl Crow Slips News of Brain Tumor. The 50-year old singer who battled breast cancer back in ’06, casually mentioned in an interview last Friday that she was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor back in November. Crow has been having some memory issues. She recently forgot some of the words to her song “Soak Up the Sun” (It’s stuck in your head now, isn’t it?) while performing. Doctors discovered the tumor, called a meningioma, during an MRI she sought out just to make sure everything was okay with her brain. Crow’s rep told E! News that this type of tumor will not require surgery and is actually quite common. [People]

Pink’s Gallbladder Goes Kaput. Last week, the singer Instagrammed a pic of herself in the hospital, captioned “Stomach flu sucks but morphine doesn’t.” (Morphine for the stomach flu?) She clarified later she had been joking about the Morphine bit (right…), but it turns out her illness may have been more serious than she thought. The singer cursed out her gallbladder (literally), which seems to have been the culprit. On account of her hospitalization, Pink missed out on a few things, including celebrating her daughter’s first birthday at home and performing for the president. Her replacement, Glee star Darren Criss, didn’t seem too bummed. [Washington Post]

Anne Hathaway Goes Arm-Sling Chic. Spotted: Anne Hathaway with a casted arm in a sling. But let’s be real. Even she can’t rock the arm sling. Those slings are itchy, irritating, and downright ugly. It didn’t take long before the Dark Night Rises star took things into her own hands and decided to forgo the traditional sling for something a little more creative. Fashionistas, take note: It appears that Hathaway replaced the sling with a flowery scarf. Creative, right? As for the cause of the injury, well that part remains a mystery. [Just Jared]