From Our Sponsor: Will Bariatric Surgery Help Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes?
By Richard Ing, MD, FACS, FASMBS
In a recent study of adults with type 2 diabetes who underwent bariatric weight loss surgery, nearly 75% of patients were able to eliminate their diabetes after six months. That number rose to 84.5% after two years. Studies have also shown that malabsorptive procedures, such as lap gastric bypass, have had the most success with diabetes resolution.
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery is a highly effective, long-term weight loss solution for individuals who struggle with obesity and are unsuccessful at losing weight through diet and exercise alone. By altering the anatomy of your digestive system, the amount of food you can eat and digest is reduced, leading to weight loss.
The Bariatric Center at Bryn Mawr Hospital offers three types of bariatric surgery. Most bariatric procedures are performed as laparoscopic—or minimally invasive—procedures, through tiny incisions. With laparoscopic surgery, patients benefit from less pain, fewer complications and a shorter hospital stay. The selection of each procedure is individualized to meet the patient’s needs and is made jointly by the surgeon and the patient.
Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band
The laparoscopic adjustable gastric band is a silicone band that is securely placed around the upper portion of the stomach to divide the stomach into two portions—a smaller pouch on top and a larger section below the band. By reducing the storage area in the stomach, patients feel full sooner and thus consume smaller amounts of food, resulting in weight loss. The band can be accessed and adjusted through a small port implanted under the skin of the abdominal wall, enabling the surgeon to adjust the flow of food that passes between the two sections of the stomach or to reverse the procedure if necessary.
Lap Gastric Bypass
Lap gastric bypass (also known as lap Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) is a procedure that helps patients lose weight two ways. First, a smaller stomach pouch is created, which causes the patient to feel full after eating just a small amount of food. Second, the food bypasses the remaining section of the stomach and a portion of the intestines, which limits food absorption and reduces the number of calories the body takes in. This procedure also lessens the body’s ability to tolerate foods that are high in sugar and fats. Because eating these foods will cause discomfort, patients quickly learn to avoid these types of foods, which further aids in weight loss. Good nutrition and vitamin supplements are an important part of the postsurgical plan for this option.
Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy
Lap sleeve gastrectomy (also known as lap vertical gastrectomy) is a new bariatric option. During this procedure, the stomach is restricted by stapling it and dividing it vertically. The larger portion (85 percent) is then removed, leaving behind a slim section of stomach. There is no bypass performed with this option; weight loss occurs through reduced intake of food.
To find out if bariatric surgery can help eliminate your type 2 diabetes, start by attending a FREE information session with the Bryn Mawr Hospital Bariatric Center staff. To register, call 1.866.CALL.MLH or visit