Every Friday: Free Tango Classes
Want to break out of the dinner-and-a-movie Friday date night routine? Try a free introductory tango class taught by the professional staff at the Argentine Tango School on Frankford Avenue. A basic but romantic dance style characterized by a close embrace and gliding steps, the tango is sure to spice up your weekend while getting your feet moving. After you get your new moves down, stick around for an Open Practica, where you can dance the night away until midnight, socialize with other students, and refresh yourself with food and drink. – Kathryn Siegel
Free, every Friday beginning July 1, 8:30-9:30 p.m. (introductory class), 9:30 p.m.-12 a.m. (Open Practica), Philadelphia Argentine Tango School, 2030 Frankford Avenue, 617-291-3798, http://philadelphiatangoschool.com/practica.html