Good-for-You Recipe: Light and Easy Pumpkin Butter

Take in the flavors of fall with this quick and easy pumpkin butter.  Spread on toast alone or with a smidge of light cream cheese.  This seasonal treat is a must-try—the canned pumpkin adds a healthy dose of antioxidants to your breakfast, too!

Pumpkin Butter
Serves 8


•    1 can unsweetened, unseasoned pumpkin puree
•    ½ cup apple cider
•    ¼ cup maple syrup
•    1 tsp ground cinnamon
•    1 tsp fresh ginger, grated (optional)
•    1 tablespoon lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan.  Simmer for 30-45 minutes or until thickened.  Cool and refrigerate in an airtight container.  Lasts about two weeks.

Per serving: 51 calories, .24 g. fat, 0 g. sat fat, 12 g. carb, 2.18 g fiber, .8 g. protein, 0 mg. cholesterol, 3 mg. sodium