The Pleasures of Cooking In
I was recently in Jamaica for ten days and was lucky enough to live and eat off the land the entire time. I had Fifty-five meals and not one food item came from a package or a typical “restaurant.” It really brought me a sense of joyful calm and satisfaction that I really can’t quite describe in words.
This week I’d love to talk about the pleasure of preparing your own food and … eating in! I love to cook and I’m passionate about Slow Food, sustainable living and eating. I always prefer natural, whole-foods and ingredients. I’m also just as passionate about visiting the latest celebrated restaurant, but I try and prepare all my meals at home Monday through Thursday.
Believe me, I am no chef, but preparing my meals at home allows me to spend time with loved ones, get familiar with my stove and truly nourish my body and mind. I find that cooking builds confidence, gives you a sense of accomplishment, strengthens your relationship with food and your significant other, builds community, celebrates culture and diversity and allows you to create traditions within your home.
Most of us are so busy juggling work, family and our social lives that the thought of preparing every meal at home can be daunting. You CAN do it! Here are some suggestions: Join your local CSA. Celebrate dinner with friends and do potluck once a week. Have roommates? Build a natural food pantry and have each person make dinner one night a week. Don’t shop alone — trips to the farmers market or field trips to the farm with friends are twice the fun.
Images via, My Lithe Escape business partner, Liz’s Solm’s ( yummy Calalloo over basmati rice with lime tahini dressing, 101cookbooks, The Art of Eating In & How to Cook Everything app for iPhone.
Lauren Boggi is the owner and creator of Lithe Method. Read more about Lauren here.