Selena Rezvani

Selena is a women's leadership speaker who teaches women at all levels to self-advocate and negotiate like a boss. She also consults to employers on how to make work truly “work” for women - by architecting workplace assessments and culture change. She’s the author of Pushback: How Smart Women Ask—and Stand Up—for What They Want and is based in Philadelphia. Follow her @SelenaRezvani.


Here’s How Women Will Change the Workplace in 2020

According to these five predictions, including officially killing the advice that women “lean in,” the fight for equity at work is only gaining steam.


4 Ways Employers Can Support New Moms at Work

Here’s how we all benefit from inclusive new-parent policies.


How to Push Back on a Pushy Coworker

Bossy colleagues can have a negative impact on your work performance, research shows. Here are four ways to get them in check.


Men Can (Still) Help Women Advance Their Careers Post #MeToo

Now is not the time to back away from the women in your office.


Here’s What I Did the Last Time a Male Coworker Talked Over Me at Work

Research shows that women are more likely to get interrupted when speaking. These tactics can help.


Why Burnout Is Hitting Women the Hardest

Here’s why the phenomenon is on the rise across industries and why women bear the brunt of it.


I Am Fed Up With All-Male Panels. Here’s How We Change Them.

Studies show that “manels” are still the norm at conferences. It’s time women got equal billing.


The Case for Why Millennial Women Should Definitely Job-Hop

There are strong arguments for and against the debated practice, but for millennial women, job-hopping should be a no-brainer.


If You’re Not Seizing Stretch Assignments at Work, You’re Doing It All Wrong

These bonus opportunities have the power to boost your leadership cred and wholly transform your career. Here’s how to successfully take advantage of them without burning out.