Patrick Kerkstra

School District of Philadelphia

Damn the Politicos, Hite Moves Ahead

The superintendent tries to move the district beyond crisis-mode with a big shakeup. Plus, anybody-but-Sestak.


How Jim Kenney Plans to Run City Hall

He’s running a good, well-managed campaign. Next up? A $6.9 billion enterprise with 28,000 employees.


These Are the Most Ticketed Blocks in All of Philadelphia

Don’t press your luck on or around South Street.


Latest Anti Gentrification Rallying Cry? Tax the Flippers

An array of community groups is asking Council to dramatically hike the tax on properties sold twice in two years.


Air Travelers Rejoice: Up to $2 Billion Coming for PHL Improvements

New deal also includes $12 minimum wage for airport workers.


Candidates Love a Camera

Philly pols share their selfies. Well, “selfies.” Not all of them were clear on the concept.


The Return of Local Gun Control

Plus, what’s the story with that weird monolith at Penn’s landing?


Darrell Clarke Moves to Quash Big Tax Reform Plan

The Council President says the wage and business tax-cutting proposal spearheaded by Paul Levy and Jerry Sweeney doesn’t add up.


Is It a Crime Wave?

High profile shootings are generating big headlines. But what do the numbers say?


Why Your Artisanal Cocktail Costs $13

Plus: a preview of the August special elections, and even super PAC consultants don’t like super PACs.


West Philly Restaurant Fences In Public Sidewalk

But is there more to the William Street Common land grab?


Mayor Clarke’s Big, Bold Housing Plan

Construction on the first of 2,000 affordable units is set to begin soon.


Should the PPA Have the Power to Ticket … Everything?

Democratic mayoral nominee Jim Kenney has a very interesting idea.

State Capitol in Harrisburg

State Moves Closer to Taking Over Philly Schools — Again

Plus, the city’s elections chief sues to stop an ethics probe.


The Brief: How Jim Kenney Is Like John Belushi

Plus, the problem with real-life cops shooting at cars.