Patrick Kerkstra


6 Reasons Why Tuesday’s Supreme Court Election Is Absolutely Crucial

The stakes? School funding. Gun control. Redistricting. And so much more.


A Bad Night for Dennis O’Brien

The incumbent Councilman grew flustered as lesser-known opponents piled on at a no-holds barred debate.


Bad News in the Blight Wars

Judge rules against city’s most effective anti-blight program.


How Safe Are Tasers?

A man Tasered by a SEPTA officer died Monday. For now, SEPTA Police have no plans to review their use.


Mayor Nutter Says It’s Time to Disband the School Reform Commission

He proposes that an appointed nine-member local board replace the SRC by September of 2017.


Q&A With Indy Council Candidate Andrew Stober

He’s isn’t raging against the machine, he’s just end-running it.


Even Non-Drivers Pay $1,100+ a Year to Subsidize Driving

New research is starting to quantify just how much the public subsidizes car ownership.

City Life

Temple Trustee: Yeah, We Want to Build That $100M Stadium

Plus more morning headlines.


The Politics of Fighting Media Exclusion

At an NAACP event, Philly Mag’s October cover was criticized, and strategies for taking on media outlets were discussed.


Philly Citizen to Award $10,000 to Randomly Selected Philly Voter

This is not satire. This is real life.


Charles Ramsey and the All-Powerful Cabal of Top U.S. Cops

Report: An elite group has had enormous influence nationwide, and Ramsey is at its center.


Nutter and Rendell Endorse Independent Council Candidate

It’s a big boost for Andrew Stober’s campaign. But can he win?


Who Will Replace the Irreplaceable Charles Ramsey?

First Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross seems likely to get the job.


Nutter: If You Want to Be Loved, Don’t Be Mayor

Instead, “you should go work in a pet shop,” he tells Governing magazine.


Post-Pope, Frustrated Nutter Asks Philly: What Kind of City Do You Want to Be?

In mayor’s eyes, a huge success is being belittled by negative Philadelphians.