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Kenney defends his silence on the PGW sale and says he would build on Nutter’s accomplishments.
Philly is one of the few big cities where there are more owners than renters, but probably not for long.
Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, that’s who. Plus, Jim Kenney’s Twitter id fights back and…
57 percent approve of Mayor Nutter’s job performance in new poll, his best showing in years.
The cash-starved mayoral candidates finally seem ready to compete.
A closer look at PSP’s $35 million offer to the School District of Philadelphia.
Pressured on all sides over a binary decision on charter school growth.
Philadelphia’s new Twitter-happy, pot-decriminalizing, LGBT-advocating, last-minute mayoral contender.
Forty new ones are planned throughout Pennsylvania, and Philly’s transport office wants to know where you want yours.
Foreign-born small business owners are resuscitating Philly’s commercial corridors.
Plus, the coming liberation of food trucks and the first whiff of dark money in the mayoral race.
It’s suddenly grown a whole lot cheaper to win the mayor’s seat.
Should that matter?