Michael Coard

City Life

Jack Kevorkian, Freedom Fighter

He understood personal liberty

City Life

How to Fix Jury Duty

Train and test those who serve

City Life

Homeless Offend Hotel Guests

Frank DiCicco’s solution

City Life

Understanding Malcolm X

Judging his life in full

City Life

John Brown’s Birthday

A selfless, courageous hero

City Life

Mumia Deserves Freedom

Not only liberals think so

City Life

How Reparations Can Help

African Americans deserve equal opportunity

City Life

North vs. South

150 years later

City Life

Dumb Laws

Why the PPA can seize your car

City Life

Seeking the Death Penalty

How do you define murder?

City Life

Filling Our Prisons

Thanks, Corbett

City Life

Judging Judges

Our most powerful elected officials

City Life

Politicians’ Big Lies

Why we fall for them

City Life

Price of Good Education

Injustice in Ohio

City Life

Michael Coard Takes On Times Critic

Truth and the President’s House