Maya K. Francis

City Life

What’s the Excuse for Eric Garner’s Death?

Francis: This is why people are marching. Because they are tired, and so are the excuses.

City Life

Ferguson, Under Cover of Darkness

Francis: Why does America still regard black life as expendable?

City Life

Picking the Right Husband for Your Career

It’s their partners, not children, who hold women back in the workplace.

City Life

On Lincoln University and Rape Culture

Francis: What Robert R. Jennings was really saying in his controversial remarks.

City Life

This Is Why Women Worry

Francis: What a horrific kidnapping has to do with the debate on street harassment.

City Life

Charles Barkley Blames Black Community

Francis: It’s as if he’s never heard of structural racism.

City Life

Privacy in the Internet Age

It doesn’t actually exist. Just ask Jennifer Lawrence.

City Life

$50K Wrong-Sperm Suit Is About the Burden of Blackness

Francis: White Ohio couple are unwitting parents of mixed-race child.

City Life

Ban the “Redskins”

The FCC probably won’t. So the rest of us will have to.

City Life

Need a Cuddle Buddy?

With Cuddlr, there’s an app for that — unfortunately.

City Life

Rihanna Was Right to Tell Off CBS

Francis: Bumping her from Thursday Night Football because of her status as a domestic violence victim sent bad message.

City Life

Apple (Yawn) Launched New Stuff Yesterday

Francis: I just can’t seem to get excited about Apple’s new products. Am I getting boring? Or is Apple?

City Life

The Era of Crowdsourced Hate-Funding?

Francis: The legal defense funds for Darren Wilson and Daniel Holtzclaw are fascinating and alarming.

City Life

Brigitte Daniel’s Plan to Get Women of Color Into Tech

“I want to challenge the prototype of the tech entrepreneur being a young while male.”

City Life

10 Ferguson Twitter Accounts to Follow

Francis: Want to really know what’s happening? Follow these 10 Twitter handles.