Ernest Owens

Writer at Large, Politics

Ernest Owens is an award-winning journalist and CEO of Ernest Media Empire, LLC. As an openly gay black journalist, he has made headlines for speaking frankly about intersectional issues in society regarding race, LGBTQ, and pop culture.

City Life

This Is the Real Reason I’m So Excited About Next Year’s Mayor’s Race

With so many current city officeholders rumored to be candidates, the fight to become the city’s 100th mayor could result in a lot of (much-needed) political turnover.

City Life

These 4 Big Political Questions Will Loom Over Philly in 2022

From indictments to contested races, last year provided more questions than answers about the future of several notable Philly politicians and coalitions.

philadelphia district attorney larry krasner, who is being sued by ex-cop Ryan Pownall
City Life

Now That Larry Krasner’s Apologized, Will the Pols Who Flogged Him Do Something About Gun Violence?

Where was all the gun violence outrage before the DA put his foot in his mouth? And what will all those who came for his head do now?

rochelle bilal sheriff's office sheriff
City Life

Why Do We Even Have a Sheriff’s Office in the First Place?

After promising to eliminate scandals only to find herself embroiled in them, Sheriff Rochelle Bilal should resign — and the entire office should be eliminated.

City Life

Philly Just Surpassed 500 Homicides. Can We Admit Gun Buyback Programs Aren’t Helping?

Proponents claim gun buybacks keep dangerous weapons off the street. They’re really just a flashy, performative and ineffective response to our current gun violence crisis.

City Life

My Three Big Lessons From Our First Month of Marriage

After dating the love of my life for more than seven years, I was convinced marriage wouldn’t hit that differently. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

City Life

5 Ways the Johnny Doc/Bobby Henon Verdict Will Shake Up Philly Politics

Our politics-as-usual took a big hit on Monday when Dougherty, the powerful labor leader, and Henon, the City Councilmember, were found guilty on most charges of conspiracy.

City Life

Philly Dems Failed Miserably Last Week. 3 Things They Must Fix Before Next Year’s Midterms

Turnout was dismal in an election with big implications for the courts and bigger implications for 2022 . If Democrats want to retain any of the power they gained last year, they’d better start shaking the table, now.

City Life

Sorry, Dave Chappelle, But LGBTQ Jokes Aren’t Funny. This Killing Shows Us Why

Amid the outcry over the comedian’s transphobic comedy, consider the case of Philadelphia’s Christian Smith, who prosecutors say killed his stepfather after an argument about a gay person.

City Life

Police Lies About SEPTA Riders Filming a Rape Show Yet Again Why We Can’t Trust Them

Police fed the press a story that Philadelphians lack humanity and courage. It’s not the first time they’ve lied to us, but it should be the last time we take their initial reports as truth.

City Life

As I Turn 30, I Wish Philly the Same Confidence It Gave Me

This town struggles with the same imposter syndrome I once had to overcome. If it bet on itself, the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection would be unstoppable.

johnny doc arrest
City Life

We Don’t Need a Jury to Tell Us That the Days of Johnny Doc Have Passed

Labor boss John J. Dougherty is finally in court after being charged in a federal bribery and corruption case along with Councilmember Bobby Henon. Guilty or not, no one man should have all that power.

City Life

Stop Judging People for Going to Outdoor Events. The COVID Mandates Are Working.

This summer’s big music festivals weren’t the epic super-spreader events many armchair experts predicted, thanks to the enforcement of vaccination and testing mandates. We should acknowledge scientific breakthroughs and not be such Debbie Downers.

City Life

Philly Will Pay $2 Million to Settle a Police Brutality Case. It Will Also Give Cops a Raise. Why?

The new police contract means taxpayers are about to pay even more for bad policing.

City Life

Kenney Administration’s Anti-Gun Violence Spending Won’t Immediately Combat Gun Violence