Erica Palan

City Life

10 Men You Should Unfollow on Twitter

Palan: Going on a “digital man cleanse” during the #UnfollowAMan movement? Some tips.

City Life

The 8 Stinkiest Spots in Philly (Described With Emojis)

Palan: Hold your noses when you’re walking through these places.

City Life

Are You Guilty of These Word Crimes?

Palan: 10 commenter tropes that should get you banned from the Internet.

City Life

The 10 People You’ll Meet at Spruce Street Harbor Park

Palan: The park is universally loved — which brings out all kinds of Philadelphians.

City Life

10 Commandments of Riding SEPTA in a Heat Wave

Don’t be stinky.

City Life

I Can’t Stop Thinking About the Women Who Work at Hobby Lobby

Palan: What the SCOTUS decision means for them, right now.

City Life

2014: the Year of the Nipple

Palan: Why would anybody — male or female — want to show off their nipples?

City Life

10 Emojis Philly Needs Right Now

Palan: There are some stories only Philadelphians can tell.

City Life

The 10 People You’ll Meet at Center City Sips

Palan: Every summer, we become a city divided: Sips lovers vs. Sips naysayers.

City Life

Archdiocese Needs to Rip the Band-Aid Off

Palan: Stop torturing parishioners with piecemeal closings. Instead, pick one church and one school in each neighborhood … and close the rest.

City Life

Does #YesAllWomen Accomplish Anything?

Palan: Hashtag activists need to take the next step.

City Life

Why Marriage Equality Is Good For Women (of All Sexual Orientations)

Palan: One step closer to equality for all — lessons from the long fight in Pa.

City Life

What If Friends Happened in Philadelphia?

Palan: On the 10th anniversary of its finale, 10 iconic scenes reimagined in Philly.

City Life

The 10 SEPTA Rules of Engagement

Palan: The New York Times says people who talk on public transit enjoy it more. They’ve clearly never been to Philly.

City Life

Main Line Drugpocalypse the Result of Ecstasy Vortex?

Palan: Why glorifying faux crises, like the Pollen Vortex, makes us no better than the Real Housewives.