Allan Domb

City Life

How to Save Center City’s Empty Offices

The culprit isn’t just COVID-19. It’s decades of tax policies that have driven businesses and workers away.

City Life

How’s Mayor Parker Doing After a Year in Office?

Five areas where I give her a thumbs up — and one area where I hope she focuses next

City Life

What Leaders Can Learn From Josh Shapiro

I don’t know if he’ll run for president in four years, but he has an admirable ability to bring people together.

City Life

Temple Is Lucky to Have John Fry — and So Is Philadelphia

Why I’m so excited about his move from Drexel to North Broad Street.

City Life

Allan Domb: Why Crime in Philadelphia Is Plummeting

Credit goes to Mayor Parker — and to our outstanding new police commissioner, Kevin Bethel, who’s proving himself to be one of the country’s best.

City Life

72 Years Ago, Philadelphia Made a Huge Mistake

And we’ve been paying for it ever since.

City Life

Crime in Philly Is Falling (Spread the Word)

If we want our city to rebound, people need to understand that public safety is improving quickly.

City Life

Why Allan Domb Is Upbeat About Philly’s Economy

The developer and former City Councilperson knows a thing or two about finances. Here’s why he’s bullish on the economy in Philadelphia

City Life

Philly’s Great Office Building Conversion Needs to Start Right Now

Empty office buildings could spell the end of Center City as we’ve known it. But if we take these three steps quickly, we can solve the problem — and create an even brighter future for Philadelphia.

City Life

3 Simple Ideas to Improve Philly Schools

Allan Domb: The city’s future depends on it.

City Life

Why Cherelle Parker’s Choice For Police Commissioner Is Great for Public Safety — and the Economy

Allan Domb: Kevin Bethel will make the city safer. But his impact can go beyond that.

City Life

There’s a Solution for Lifting People Out of Poverty In Philadelphia

Why don’t we try it?

City Life

Allan Domb: 5 Big Ideas for Improving Public Safety in Philadelphia

With police commissioner Danielle Outlaw departing and a new mayor coming into office, we have an opportunity to change course. Here’s what should happen.

City Life

Allan Domb’s New Year’s Resolutions to Recover Millions for Philly

The city councilman-at-large calls on the mayor and his Council colleagues to commit to four “commonsense solutions.”


Op-Ed: Why Philly Should Expand the Property Tax Abatement

Domb: Critics of my proposal to extend the 10-year tax abatement say it will encourage developers to charge homeowners more. That’s dead wrong.