Christopher Moraff

City Life

The Six Biggest Tech Trends of 2014

From smart toilets to smart cars, 2014 will be the year machines start to think.

City Life

Should Parents Be Allowed to Let Their Children Die?

Moraff: An Amish family has fled the U.S. as Belgium legalizes euthanasia for children.

City Life

Confessions of a Gentrifier

Moraff: In a neighborhood where nine out of 10 kids gets a free lunch, should we be paying $8 for a pint of ice cream?

City Life

Jesus Was Not a Capitalist

Moraff: Pope Francis’s “big tent” Catholicism is just what the church needs.

Even Jim Gardner takes selfies now
City Life

Generation Selfie

Moraff: The Internet’s most annoying phenomenon is the OED’s Word of the Year.

Sarah Palin gestures during a book signing, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2013 in Bethlehem, Pa. The former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee signed copies of her new book, "Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas". Palin chose to start her book tour near a city with obvious connections to the holiday. Bethlehem was founded by Moravians on Christmas Eve, 1741. Its nickname is the "Christmas City" and the city draws many tourists during the holiday season. (AP Photo/The Express-Times, Matt Smith)
City Life

Sarah Palin, Yawn, Wants to Protect Christmas

Moraff: Does she remember who started the culture wars in the first place?

police car
City Life

Don’t Clench Your Butt in Front of These Cops

Moraff: A nightmare traffic stop proves the War on Drugs has gone too far.

Chart of Philadelphia region from
City Life

Study Ranks Social Mobility of Philly, ’Burbs

Education trumps income, and gentrification may have benefits for gentrified.

City Life

Why Has Been a Disaster

Expert: The beleaguered website needs a strong executive, not a surge.

City Life

The GOP Is Sinking

Moraff: Why progressives should not be rejoicing.

America’s Best Cities for Hipsters. Tired of all these goddamn evil hipsters, defined as anyone who has interests or wears glasses*, ruining every aspect of your existence? Then you’ll be pleased to know Philly does not appear on this 20-city list. Which you probably haven't heard of. * Source: Internet comment sections
City Life

Poll: Congress Now Less Popular than Hipsters

One giant leap for skinny jeans-wearing beanpoles and urban woodsmen.

City Life

Why Shouldn’t Jobless Do Community Service?

Liberals are wrong on this key issue.

City Life

PA Republicans: Gun Owners Have More Rights than Cancer Patients

City Life

The Real Problem With Philly’s Schools

City Life

PA’s Juvenile Lifers Are Still Awaiting Their Fate