Amanda Wyszynski

City Life

ThinkFest Video: Leigh Gallagher

The End of the Suburbs: Where the American Dream is Moving

City Life

ThinkFest Video: R. Eric Thomas

A Philadelphia StorySlam

Thinkfest iron pig theatre
City Life

ThinkFest Video: Pig Iron Theatre Company

The Performance: Play in a day: Pt.2

Thinkfest iron pig theatre
City Life

ThinkFest Video: Pig Iron Theatre Company

Play in a day: Pt.1

City Life

ThinkFest’s Start-Up Winner: Relay Network

CEO Matt Gillin on what makes the company run.

Wayne Kimmel
City Life

ThinkFest Snapshot: Wayne Kimmel

Our new creative culture: true tales from Philly’s start-up scene.

City Life

ThinkFest Snapshot: Helen Gym

Is the Philadelphia School District Worth Saving? Innovating Outside of the System.

City Life

ThinkFest Snapshot: Leigh Gallagher

The End of the Suburbs: Where the American Dream is Moving.

City Life

ThinkFest Snapshot: Chris Matthews

Don’t miss the keynote Q&A with the Philly native, host of MSNBC’s Hardball.