Sneak Peek: Inside Philly Mag’s September Issue
Our September issue drops this week. Here's what's inside.
The September issue of Philadelphia magazine is on its way to mailboxes right now, and it’s bursting with content that gets at the heart of life in the region right now. Here are a few of the big stories that print subscribers will get to read before anyone else:
Remember That Time We Won the Super Bowl? Yeah, it is still a little hard to believe, isn’t it? But if becoming champs (at last!) taught us anything, it’s that Philly is, always was, and always will be an Eagles town. So naturally, we dug into why we fell for a team — and why our love for the Birds will never die.
Into the Valley: If you still think of New York’s Hudson Valley as a sleepy riverbed best known for landscape paintings, think again — these days, the small towns dotting the banks of the Empire State’s main aquatic artery are booming with big-city-style boutique hotels, ultra-Instagrammable shops and eateries, modern art museums, and so much more. (That’s what happens when a bunch of New Yorkers ditch the concrete jungle for the quiet country life.) To help you plan the perfect weekend, we Google-mapped our way north to uncover the towns worth visiting right now — all no more than a few hours from Philly.
Sunk: The dirty little secret of those millennials who’ve reenergized Philadelphia? They’re drowning in so much student debt that they can barely afford houses, cars, even kids.
The Fitness Hustle: Daydreaming about quitting your miserable job to become a superstar spin instructor? You’ll want to read this first.
Night Moves: Show of hands — who’s had enough of minimalism? When it comes to getting done up to go out, we say it’s time to get weird and let loose, to trade in that jeans-and-a-nice-top look for something more fun. We’re talking unexpected silhouettes (hello, volume and fringe), mixed-up patterns, and, when all else fails, a killer lady-suit. Now, get out there and show that gala (and drink date, gallery opening, or dinner at Stephen Starr’s new joint) who’s boss.