Just Listed: East Oak Lane Victorian with Darling Details
It is tough to find a room that makes household chores pleasant, but the robin’s egg blue laundry room in this East Oak Lane victorian does the job nicely. A glass-panel door and multiple windows give what is usually a dingy, basement job more of a sun porch feeling.
In addition to the charming laundry area, the home features six (six!) bedrooms and three full baths. Floors are oak with a mahogany inlay and custom woodwork and built-ins abound throughout the 3,360 square foot home. In the basement is a linoleum-tiled area the listing calls a “play space” that looks a lot more like it would make a fantastic bar for the adults.
The wrap-around porch outside is begging for a pair of rocking chairs where owners can listen to the wind in the trees.

Beds: 6
Baths: 3
Square Feet: 3360
Price: $355,000
Listing: 6708 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19126 [Elfant Wissahickon/Kelly McShain Tyree]