AVI: The Horror Isn’t So Horrible, But Here’s Some Information for What Horror There Is
We haven’t spoken about AVI in a while, which seemed to be for the best because the mere mention of the acronym was enough to spur hysteria. For a time, it had people running in the streets, though the mayor said it had to be done because–among other reasons–the district needed the money to save our schools.
So it was done. Like zombies becoming human again, the hysterical people returned to sanity and went inside their reassessed homes and shut it. The schools crumbled anyway because–and I don’t mean to discredit AVI, which I believe in–the School District needs so much more than the reassessments could promise.
Really, guys? Who, exactly, thought that people living in high-rises on Rittenhouse Square getting a tax break would help the schools? Or that cramped three-bedroom homes in Fairmount paying an extra $100 per year would save the day?
At any rate, from a residential perspective, most homeowners will not be grievously harmed by the implementation of AVI. But for those who will, there are 10 relief programs, and the Olde Richmond Civic Association has put together this information sheet to let people know about them. Thanks to Amara Rockar for letting me know.