Philadelphia Will Remain A Hub, But US Airways Dropping London Route

Sky Talk says US Airways is offering to give up a London-Philly flight in exchange for European Union approval of its merger with American Airlines. Perhaps more important to Philly, though, is that the city will remain a hub for the new airline—speculation had previously suggested the airport here might lose hub status to New York.

The carriers issued this joint statement:

Importantly, with increased connectivity and more than 450 daily flights to 119 domestic and international destinations, including 18 in Europe and the Middle East, PHL will continue to be a key hub and international gateway for the new American Airlines. In addition, the combined network will continue to provide significant options for traveling to London and the rest of Europe through hubs and other key airports.

The Inquirer reports that giving up a pair of takeoff and landing slots at London’s Heathrow Airport to make room for a competitor to take over and keep fares from rising too steeply along the route.