FIGHT Plans AIDS Education Month
Philadelphia FIGHT kicks off the planning process for its 18th Annual AIDS Education Month (AEM) on Wednesday, Jan. 25 (10 a.m.) at the William Way Community Center. More than 100 planning partners are expected to join Seth Williams, this year’s honorary chair, for this initial planning meeting. Community members are invited to provide input on what they think are key areas of interest when it comes to HIV and AIDS in Philly.
FIGHT has been organizing AEM since 1994. Now in its 18th year, the month-long event will include three key conferences, youth summits and discussions for prison workers and ex-offenders, as well as educational opportunities for the general public. There are also plenty of volunteer opportunities.
This year’s AEM is co-chaired by Elicia Gonzales, executive director of GALAEI, and Bruce Herdman, chief of medical operations for the Philadelphia Prison System.
Here’s what happening:
13th Annual HIV Prevention and Outreach Summit (Thursday, June 14) starting at 8 a.m. at the Pennsylvania Convention Center (13th and Arch streets)
Beyond the Wall: Prison Health Care Summit (Tuesday, June 19) starting at 8:30 a.m. at thePennsylvania Convention Center
The Legendary Crystal Ball for HIV Prevention (Saturday, June 23). The time and location will be announced.
For more information, click here.