The Return of Killadelphia?

Homicides are climbing just as budget cuts hit the police force. Plus: Apparently four wins in a row is all it takes to get the city excited again, Chicago gets to take a whack at Comcast, and more of what's news in Philly this morning

The Murder Rate Is Up Slightly, but Violent Crime Is Down Overall. We’re at 157 homicides, up from 151 over the same period last year. Still, it’s much better than 2007, when there were 212 at this point. [Daily News]

Four in a Row? Now Those Are the Champs. After yesterday’s 1-0 win over the Reds, completing a sweep, everybody’s high on the Phils again. [The 700 Level]

Duck Boat Crash Investigators Focusing on Tug Crew. The feds talked to the five-member tug team over the weekend, trying to determine whether the tug heard the duck boat’s distress calls. [CBS 3]

The Future of Flash Mob Management? When as many as 20,000 teens swarmed South Street in the wee hours of Sunday, Philly cops responded by closing off 11 blocks with the help of mounted state police. [Inquirer]

Wilmington Man Killed in Uganda Bombing. Nate Henn, 25, who was in Africa working for an organization that helps former child soldiers, was the victim of an apparent militant attack yesterday. [CBS 3]

Chicago to Weigh in on Comcast-NBC Merger. Tomorrow’s public FCC hearing in Chicago on the potential deal, the seventh such event, is drawing local fire over the absence of the chairman and three other commissioners. [Inquirer]