Checking In On The Prep For Bubby’s Cook Off

Hey, remember a few days ago when we told you about Bubby’s Cook Off--the cooking contest meant to showcase modern Jewish cuisine in Philly? Yeah, well that’s coming right up (like, tomorrow), and yesterday, semi-professional picture-taker and friend of Foobooz Yoni Nimrod, just happened to be out at Citron & Rose where he was able to catch chef Yehuda Sichel and his crew in the throes of their Bubby’s prep work.

Check out a couple of the snaps after the jump. And if you’re into it, maybe stop by Bubby’s tomorrow to watch Sichel, Jean-Marie Lacroix, Guillermo Pernot, Mike Deganis  and Shane Cash go mano a mano in a cooking competition that will decide who does the best (modern) Jewish food in town.

The Citron & Rose crew, hard at work.

That’s chef Yehuda Sichel. Funny thing about this picture? This is actually one of the first times I’ve ever seen him not looking like he was in the middle of suffering from a category 4 nervous breakdown. He just looks so…happy.

The quiet just on the other side of the kitchen doors at Citron & Rose.

Bubby’s Cook Off [Foobooz]

Bubby’s Cook Off [Official]