All But the Portions are Right at Amis

Adam Erace loves the tastes of Amis but he wishes there was just more on the plate.

Amis is billed as affordable, and it is—compared with Osteria and Vetri. The gnocchi were $14 for a portion the size of a Snickers bar. The sweetbreads, $10 for glands like dollhouse beanbags. Dressed for summer in lemon, parsley and pepper extra-virgin, the $20 griglata mista of swordfish, skate, shrimp and scallops sounds like a catch, but the cuts were trimmer than an Italian suit, the swordfish over-sated and the shrimp so average-sized that grilling and serving them in their shells just seemed triflin’.

Amis [Philadelphia Weekly]
Amis [Official Site]