Noel Beers Tonight

Photo by Ryan Charles

Photo by Ryan Charles

Chick’s Cafe has informed us that they’ve had some cancellations for their Noel beer tasting tonight. So if you were turned away earlier get on the horn now! They’ve also added some beers to the list. They’re also keeping the price at the $35 level with no late penalty.

Complete beer list after the jump.

  • La Choulette Noel
  • Dupont Cuvee Colette
  • BFM La Dragonne (served warm)
  • Le Baladin Noel
  • La Rulles Cuvee Meilleurs Voeux
  • Zinnebir X-mas
  • Hitachino Celebration Ale
  • 2001 Gales Christmas Ale
  • Lurgashall Christmas Mead (served warm)
  • Samiclaus Helles
  • Victory Hop Wallop

Call now to reserve your space, 215-625-3700.
Chick’s Cafe [Official Site]