Some Coupons For The Weekend is a great resource for gift certificates to restaurants. The way it works is you pay a price like $10, and get a gift certificate for $25. So you get $15 off your meal, and the restaurant is happy you came out and had dinner.
Here’s some restaurants that have just started offering discounted gift certificates.
Astral Plane
1708 Lombard Street
$10 Dining Certificate | Your Price $3
319 Market Street
$25 Dining Certificate | Your Price $10
Helium Comedy Club
2031 Sansom Street
$10 Dining Certificate | Your Price $3
Lyons Den
848 South 2nd Street
$25 Dining Certificate | Your Price $10
And some other popular spots are still available.
Meritage Philadelphia
20th & Lombard Street
$25 Dining Certificate | Your Price $10
206-08 Market Street
$25 Dining Certificate | Your Price $10