BeWOW: Thanksgiving Calorie-Burn Workout

If you're planning on indulging this week, you should sneak in a few high-intensity workouts to really rev your calorie burn. Here's one to add to your to-do list.

>> Want more Be Well Philly workouts? Check out the archive.

Thanksgiving’s right around the corner, so it’s time to burn some serious calories. With so much extra eating going on in the next few days, you should plan to get in some good workouts this week to avoid the extra pounds that usually find their way to your hips this time of year. Lucky you, I’ve got an intense calorie-burning workout for you to try!

Here’s what you’re going to do: Start with one set of squats, completing 50 reps, then move on to two sets of both lunges and mountain climbers, performing 40 reps of each in each set. Once you’re finished those, move on to the next group—three sets of the next three exercises at 30 reps each—and continue the pattern until you’ve done five sets of five exercises with 10 reps of each. This workout will target every muscle in your body and challenge your ability to move as fast as you can without giving up. Good luck!

BeWOW: Thanksgiving Calorie Burn

50 x 1

40 x 2
Mountain climbers

30 x 3
Alternating front shoulder raise

20 x 4
Squat jumps
Dead lift

10 x 5
Knee-ups (hanging on the pull up bar with your hands, drive your knees to your chest using your abs)
Plank row (in a plank, hands on weights, hips square to the floor, row one weight up, put it down, do other side.)
Medicine ball sit-ups (do a full sit-up holding a heavy medicine ball or a weight).

>> Did you complete this week’s BeWOW? Tell us how you did in the comments! Or, feel free to tweet at us about it using the hashtag #BeWOW. Check out all the BeWOW workouts here.


Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every Monday right here on Be Well Philly.

Photo: Shutterstock