King Cakes From Beck’s Cajun Cafe
I know, it’s not like many Foobooz readers need an excuse for eating cinnamon rolls in the middle of the day. But if, for some reason (strict diet, naggy significant other, orders from your cardiologist), you are on some kind of draconian weight loss regimen that does not allow sugary breakfast treats to be eaten in the afternoon (or at all), may I present the King Cake.
What it is, is a braided yeast cake, filled with cinnamon and nuts, and topped with white icing and colored sugar sprinkles–so basically a cinnamon roll with some extra sugar poured on top. And yeah, it is just as tasty as it sounds. What’s more, it’s a traditional Mardi Gras cake, served all over the Big Easy this time of year, so if anyone gives you any crap for eating rainbow-colored cake for lunch, you can always claim that you’re eating one (or two, or three) just to get in the spirit of the season.
Down at Reading Terminal Market, Beck’s Cajun Cafe has individual cakes on the menu right now, and will make ring-cake versions (also very traditional) that will serve 15-20 with a day’s notice. So what are you waiting for?
Beck’s Cajun Cafe [Official website]