Did Shane Victorino Sleep With Porn Star Gina Lynn?
Philadelphia Flyer Danny Briere is the latest in Philly to learn that sending naked pictures of yourself isn’t a great idea. Porn star—and Philly gal—Gina Lynn went on the KidChris show in Atlanta and said that the Flyer sent her nude pictures. Did Briere score? According to Lynn it was just pictures, so no. But Lynn’s ex-husband also alleges that Lynn slept with former Flyer Scottie Upshall and insinuates that Shane Victorino is among her conquests. [Crossing Broad]
UPDATE: After Danny Briere came out and denied ever sending the nude pictures, Travis Knight clarified his comments. He says that he was just kidding about Briere and Shane Victorino, but that Gina Lynn definitely did sleep with former Flyer Scottie Upshall. So, there’s that. [Crossing Broad]