PHOTOS: Here’s What’s for Sale at the Trump Taj Mahal Liquidation

Left: via @ACPressDeRosier Twitter. Right: via @byJoeHernandez Twitter.
Beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday, hopefuls looking to snag a piece of the once-acclaimed Trump Taj Mahal casino lined up for a liquidation sale that will wipe the casino hotel clean of its antique stock.
Everything from poker tables, grand pianos, chairs and bed linens had a price tag. When President Donald Trump opened the once $1.2 billion casino in 1990, complete with a Michael Jackson appearance, the crystal chandeliers were collectively valued at $15 million. Trump called the space “the eighth wonder of the world,” and it was the shore town’s most profitable casino for some time.
The sale will continue until every item is sold, the Press of Atlantic City reports, and will be open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Once the sale is over, Hard Rock International will commence a months-long overhaul of the defunct property, which is expected to reopen as a Hard Rock Hotel and Casino entertainment destination by Memorial Day weekend 2018.
Here’s a look at what’s up for grabs and the bargain hunters who showed up:
Here's a rundown of what's for sale at the Trump Taj Mahal
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
Hundreds of people at Taj Mahal liquidation sale. @ThePressofAC #acpress #AtlanticCity
— Craig Matthews (@cmatthewsacape) July 6, 2017
Press of Atlantic City reporter John DeRosier got a preview on Wednesday:
You can own one of the famous chandeliers over the escalators of the Trump Taj Mahal for $35,000
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
9-player poker tables are for sale for $550… 10-player tables are $650. The chairs are $39
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
All the TVs have been taken out of the rooms and are on sale.
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
Al of the equipment in the gym is for sale. Good luck getting it out.
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
These planters inside the Taj are for sale. No price on them.
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
The lights outside the casinos are for sale. And yes, the iconic white elephants at the entrance will also be sold
— John DeRosier (@JohnRDeRosier) July 5, 2017
WHYY reporter Joe Hernandez found some gems on Thursday:
Irons: $8
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) July 6, 2017
Etched glass of the real Taj Mahal and some lions: $295
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) July 6, 2017
Leopard claw bench: $65. This amazing canopy bed with mirrors on top: priceless
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) July 6, 2017
Horse: $425
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) July 6, 2017
Crystal chandelier: $825
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) July 6, 2017
Press of Atlantic City reporter Nicholas Huba tweeted that there was a two-hour wait to enter the sale this morning.
The line to get in as of 11 am
— Nicholas Huba (@ACPressHuba) July 6, 2017
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