Stop Everything: Philadelphia Runner Is Having a Surprise Sidewalk Sale

A shot of one of Philadelphia Runner’s past sidewalk sales | Photo via Facebook
Sneak out of your office right now (we won’t tell your boss) and get walking to University City. Why, you ask? Because Philadelphia Runner’s University City store is having a surprise sidewalk sale — that’s why. Say it with us: YASSSSSSS.
They tell us you can expect discounts of up to 50 percent off on tons of shoes and apparel. The sale may continue through tomorrow (they haven’t decided yet), but I’d suggest you head over today if you want to be certain you get your hands on some steeply marked-down merchandise.
The sidewalk sale is going down outside of Philadelphia Runner’s University City store at 3621 Walnut Street today from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Now what are you waiting for? Get to speed-walking.
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