Mychal Kendricks refers to his limited playing time when asked about his performance so far, reports Jeff McLane of the Inquirer.
The 26-year-old linebacker played almost every down, though, when he was healthy in 2014 (89 percent in 12 games) and in 2013 (89 percent in 15 games). Times have changed.
“I’m playing 33 percent,” Kendricks said. “I’m playing all right with what’s been given.”
Kendricks played almost exclusively in defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz’s base package through the first three games. But he played some nickel with Stephen Tulloch on the Lions’ third drive of the first half, while regulars Nigel Bradham and Jordan Hicks watched.
“That was the plan going in,” Kendricks said. “Give those guys a break.”
DeSean Jackson may be maturing as a return to Philadelphia appears possible, writes Les Bowen of the Daily News.
“I’ve just matured. Handled my business like a professional. Learned a lot, from where I started to where I’m at now,” said Jackson, whose departure from the Eagles in 2014 was tinged by a story that accused him of gang ties, and by speculation about his well-known affinity for late nights and casinos. (But in reality it seemed to have more to do with Jackson’s casual attitude toward then-coach Chip Kelly’s tight rules.)
DeSean Jackson Jr., born to Jackson and girlfriend Kayla Phillips last Oct. 26, is “a blessing,” Jackson told a conference call Wednesday with reporters covering the Eagles. “I love my son. He’s definitely matured me a lot . . . Hopefully, one day when he gets older, he’ll be able to see how his dad went about business, and hopefully, he’ll be able to follow in the footsteps. Maybe be better!”
On Jackson’s social media these days, there are lots of baby pictures and notices of charity events, not so much of parties and jewelry.