The Best Thing That Happened This Week: An End to the Summer From Hell
There have been, in our lives, summers we look back on fondly. The summer on the verge of concluding won’t be one of them. Allow us to refresh your memory: Bike wars. Kids getting shot. Lane Johnson suspended. The DNC. Seth Williams overlooking a few things. Kathleen Kane. Bruce fucking Castor. SEPTA’s Silverliners. Hillary’s emails. Donald’s wall. Joel’s foot. Bill Cosby. Dead fish. Dead flipboard. A farewell to Carlos Ruiz. This clown. Pokemon Go. That hipsters-dressed-in-white thing. The Rizzo Wars. A sports championship at last — one that nobody cares about. A meltdown on North Broad. Dwayne from Swedesboro. The FBI and Johnny Doc. Heat. More heat. God, what is with this damned heat? Come on, Hermine, ruin our Labor Day weekend — and blow this sorry season the hell out of here.
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