Christie Endorses Trump for President

One brash-talking northeasterner supports another.

One theory about the quick demise of Chris Christie’s presidential campaign — once so full of promise — is that there was only room for one brash-talking northeasterner in the GOP race. Once Donald Trump jumped in and started being Donald Trump-ish, Christie’s usual strengths were overshadowed.

In any case, Christie is out. And today, he endorsed Trump for president.

The New York Times reports Christie said Trump “will do exactly what needs to be done to make America a leader around the world again,” and said they’d been friends for a decade. “I am proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump,” he said, at Trump’s side at a Texas gathering.

The reaction was quick on Twitter, with observers expecting Christie to play a big role in the campaign going forward.

Statistician Nate Silver, though, wasn’t so sure this is a prelude to Christie winning Trump’s VP slot:

More to come, almost certainly.