Why So Many Horny Penn Staters on Ashley Madison?
Inside Higher Ed has a wry piece on the unexpected number of .edu accounts in the data revealed by the hackers of adultery-enabling website Ashley Madison. While the story notes that many colleges allow alums to maintain their .edu accounts, and that Ashley Madison never verified email addresses, it also says this:
It turns out that there are far more .edu email addresses than there are .gov or .mil. Inside Higher Ed‘s IT team downloaded the database hackers have posted and found 74,468 unique email addresses (from among the 83,863 .edu addresses over all, with thousands having registered more than once).
Even more intriguing? The list of Top 10 Colleges for Cheating Professors, Students, Alumni and Administrators is topped by Michigan State University, but hard on its heels in second place is our own beloved Penn State. Oooh, you lyin’ Lions, you!
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