Be Well Workout of the Week: Your New Go-To Summer Workout

This workout is done using only your body weight as resistance, so you can do it literally anywhere — no equipment needed. Meaning: It’s the perfect workout to keep on deck during your summer travels and getaways to the Shore.
Here’s the deal: You’ll do 20 reps of every exercise all the way through and repeat that three times. Easy enough, right? Now, find a spot big enough for your body, and get ready to sweat.
Be Well Workout of the Week: Your New Go-To Summer Workout
Your exercises:
Do 20 reps x 3 rounds
Squat jumps
Mountain climbers
Lunge jumps
Ski jumpers
Squat thrusts
Ab twists
Explanation of exercises:
Squat jumps: Stand with feet hip-width apart and perform a squat, dropping your rear until your knees are just behind your toes and your hamstrings are parallel to the floor. As you stand, propel yourself upwards and jump. Return to standing and squat again.
Push-up: Start lying face down with your chest on the floor, with hands facing forward and palms down in line with your shoulders; elbows should be pointing back. Push up until arms are extended (the inside of the elbow should be facing forward) and drop back down.
Mountain climbers: Get in plank position. Alternating legs, bring your knee into the chest, keeping your upper body strong. Extend leg and switch.
Lunge jump: Position yourself in a lunge. Jump upwards switching the front and back legs. Once landed, repeat. For more of a challenge, hold the weights you used for your reverse fly during your jumps.
Sit-up: Lie on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent. Put your hands behind your ears. Without pulling on your neck and using only your abs, lift your shoulders off the mat and come to a full sit-up position. Lie back down slowly.
Ski jumpers: Start in a skier’s stance (like a squat, but bent forward at the waist slightly). Using your arms for momentum, jump up and to the left, landing on both feet. Jump to the right. Repeat.
Squat thrust: With your hands on the ground, jump your feet back to a strong high plank position. Don’t let your hips sag. Then jump your feet in and stand up.
Bridge: Start lying down with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground and up, squeezing your glutes. Return to starting position and repeat.
Ab twists: Sit on the floor with knees bent, heels pressing into the ground. Lean back slightly and use your abs to twist side to side.
» Did you complete this week’s BeWOW? Tell us how you did in the comments! Or, feel free to tweet at us about it using the hashtag #BeWOW. Check out all the BeWOW workouts here.
Audrey McKenna Hasse is the owner of A.M.Fit, a personal training and healthy consultation business on the Main Line. You’ll find her workouts every week right here on Be Well Philly.
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