Quiz: Should You Stay in Your ‘Hood? Should You Stay in Philly at All?

Photo credit: Daniel Ge via Flickr.
“Am I in the right place? Should I move to [insert romanticized neighborhood or far away city here] ?”
Whether you’re “Philadelphia, born and raised” or a transplant who’s adopted our 332-year-old town as your own (oh, wow: just realized Philly is a Scorpio), chances are you’ve asked yourself that question at some point. Northern Liberties or Pennsport? Philadelphia or Seattle?
Not to plant the seeds of an existential crisis, of course. It’s a normal question long-term residents anywhere in America ask every day; in fact, according to recent data released from the U.S. Census Bureau, one in nine Americans switched residences between 2013 and 2014. (For the record, most of these didn’t involve moving to another city or crossing state lines.)
So what’s a native/adopted Philadelphian to do? Well for one thing, Livability.com has put out a new “Should You Move to a New City?” quiz, which assess your financial situation, romantic relationships, job skills, and sense of adventure, among other things to see if you should get to packing or stay in place. Don’t take it too seriously, though.
Sayeth the quiz press release:
Do we really think your decision should be based on our quiz? Of course not. Consider it a fun way to approach the subject and perhaps a lighthearted way of introducing the topic to a family member or friend.
Indeed. Share your results in the comments!