PHOTOS: Last Night’s Be Well Philly Underground Cross-Training Run With Unite Fitness

It was a seriously fun (and sweaty) evening.

Photo by Susan Nam

Photo by Susan Nam

Thank goodness for spring weather, am I right? Yesterday evening, a bunch of Be Well Philly Undergrounders gathered at the fountain in Logan Square for this month’s Be Well Philly Underground event, the Ben Franklin Parkway Challenge with Unite Fitness. And we seriously could not have asked for better weather.

It was the perfect day for a sweat session — and folks worked really hard, and got really sweaty. For the workout, our friends at Unite Fitness — trainers Gavin, Brett and Austin — led two teams on a two-mile cross-training challenge, running from the fountain at Logan Square up the Ben Franklin Parkway to the Art Museum steps and back down to Logan Square Cafe. 

It was as exhausting (and fun!) as it sounds, and when the teams arrived to Logan Square Cafe at the end of the challenge, everyone was ready for a nice, cold drink. And lucky for them, Khoran from Stripp’d Juice was on deck slinging his delicious concoctions (I’m still thinking about the Beet It Up juice now), and we had plenty of snacks for folks to refuel with, too.

Everyone went home with a sweet goodie bag from Penn Medicine, a full stomach, and a great workout under their belt. A big thank you Unite Fitness and Stripp’d Juice for helping us make it happen, and a big round of applause for everyone who came out and got their sweat on.

Check out photos from the event below. And if you aren’t signed up for Be Well Philly Underground, sign up now so you don’t miss out on the next event!

All photos by Susan Nam

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