Woman Crush Wednesday: Monique Perry
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Every hump day a Philly lady shares their local picks for Woman Crush Wednesday. Today, we feature Monique Perry, a Community Educator with Women Against Abuse and member of DVLF’s Wonder Women.

My name is Monique and I dedicate this WCW to women who are activists, community-oriented, talented, inspirational, and swoon worthy. If I had one word to sum them up it would be FIERCE!

Lisa Cuevas
Lisa is a domestic violence advocate that also happens to be a gifted writer, poet, educator, wife, and mother. Spend a few minutes with Lisa she’ll educate you on Autism spectrum disorders and have you laughing so hard you can skip your ab workout for the day. She holds a strong belief in hugs, game nights, tattoos, and spending time with her fam. Want to know the truth? Ask her. She’s that wonderful type of friend. She always reminds me to keep it sexy and fun!

Suzi Nash
I really need more time and space to mention all the things that make Suzi such an amazing person. She’s a filmmaker, writer, singer, activist, organizer, and former co-host of the Bozo the Clown show. If you need to know about upcoming events or talk film history, Suzi is the person you want to find. I’m always grateful to talk and spend time with such a beautiful spirit.

Deidre Winston-Suarez
Deidre is a Temple University graduate with a degree in Biochemistry and a great mother and wife. Influenced by her mother’s strength in dealing with breast cancer, she’s all about breast cancer awareness and advocacy. Her fearlessness always reminds me to keep pushing. She inherited that spirit from her mom. For fun, dancing and wine tasting are always options. Even though she makes me do country line dances, I still love her.

Eve Keller
Eve is a recent Temple Law School graduate, and now a licensed attorney in PA and NJ. While at Temple, she worked as Research Assistant in the legal department at Mazzoni Center where she researched about the need for direct legal services for the LGBT community. Before becoming an attorney she was a professional ballet dancer! She lives in Philly with her amazing partner, Kate Mallary, their dog and two cats.

Maggie Lee
You can catch Maggie at community events looking amazing and starting conversations with people about the ways your organization can collaborate with hotpot!, a local queer Asian Pacific Islander (QAPI) organization. Political action, great food, and photography are her jams. You may have also seen her photographing Pulse, Stimulus or other events. She’s welcoming, eager to help, and open to dialogue.

Timaree Schmit
Wanna have fun, laugh, and learn a ton? Listen to Sex with Timaree! Timaree Schmit has a PhD from Widener University in Human Sexuality Education. She’s a sexuality educator as well as a performer, writer, fitness instructor, and social media pro. I always enjoy reading her articles, having low-key conversations, and dancing with her. Catch her live and swoon for yourself at her sex entertainment show, DTF: Darryl and Timaree Fun Hour.

Kamil Scarlett
What inspires me most about Kamil is her love for travel, close relationship with her mom, and commitment to her students. This lover of ping pong, tennis, basketball, and chess also happens to be an amazing middle and high school math teacher at Mastery Pickett Campus. She is also a member of the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics and Women’s Sports Foundation. If you meet her, convince her to host brunch. Her omelets will change your life.

Melissa Fabello
Melissa is managing editor at Everyday Feminism and PhD student at Widener University. If you’re interested in learning more about sexuality, body image, and media literacy, you HAVE to check out her work. She’s extremely driven, a terrific cook, and known to make awesome (read: bad, really bad) drawings to cheer up her friends. When she’s not writing or studying, you can find her buying expensive olive oil, playing with her adorable cat, and taking fabulous selfies. Wanna get her attention? Study your Jurassic Park and feminism history.

Wagatwe Wanjuki
Watch out, Philly - Wagatwe is here! I was so excited to find out Wagatwe recently moved to Philadelphia. I’m really inspired by her courage and activism in speaking about gender-based violence. She is on the board of @knowyourIX, @SurvJustice, and @3Wave. She’s not busy at all. Ha! Feminist truth-telling is her game and I’m completely here for it. Well, I’m here for that and her long locks.

Share your Woman Crush Wednesday!
Here are the rules: (1) Name five to 10 ladies you’re crushing on (2) You and all women involved must be from Philadelphia (3) Email your crushes to ferrazchristina@gmail.com.