WATCH: Bar Rescue at Lickety Split

Bar Rescue’s Jon Taffer at Lickety Split | Photo via Spike TV
Last night, Bar Rescue’s Lickety Split episode ran on Spike TV. Jon Taffer remade the bar into two concepts, Alleged Pizza on the first floor and upstairs, 2nd State Lounge. Taffer had plenty to be offended about in the episode, from owner Tom Gaylord’s drinking to the storage of pizza dough.
Check out the highlights here:
The Lickety Split makeover was the first of two shows shot in the area. Look for Glenside’s Plush to get its time in the limelight on Sunday, November 16th at 9 p.m..
If you missed the full episode of Lickety Split, it will be rebroadcast on the 16th at 8 p.m.
Read: Philadelphia Bars Bailing on Bar Rescue