Previously: Don Tollefson’s Last Stand
WATCH: Don Tollefson Talks About Guilty Plea
After his guilty plea to fraud charges Monday, former sportscaster Don Tollefson spoke with CBS 3 about his addictions and how he is trying to overcome them.
“I just want whatever happens in court for the healing process to begin for myself and for others. I just really want to be able to put everything that has happened during my addiction and now recovery behind me,” Don Tollefson said in an exclusive CBS3 interview after he plead guilty Monday morning.
Tollefson blames years of drug and alcohol addiction for why things spiraled out of control.
When Eyewitness News reporter Charlotte Huffman asked Tollefson if he has anything to say to the victims, he said “I just want to make amends.”
Tollefson faces a maximum 37 years in prison, though sentencing guidelines call for much less.