Go Us! Philly Leads Big Cities in Bike Commuting, Says New Report

If you biked to work today, give yourself a big pat on the back. In a new report released today, the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia reports that, of the 10 most populous cities in the U.S., Philly has the highest percentage of bike commuters. Say it with me, guys: We’re number one!
The Bike PHL Facts report looks at bicycling trends in Philadelphia between 2008 and 2013 and, using the data from the U.S. Census Bureau, compares the Philly’s stats to other cities to see how we stack up. Along with coming in first in big-city bike commuting (2.3 percent of our city’s commuters get to work by bike, compared to just 1.6 in Chicago, the second place city), Philly also has two neighborhoods ranked in the nation’s top 25 for the highest percentage of bike commuters: Center City and South Philly.
And to toot our own horn just a little bit more: Since 2005, bicycle commuting in Philly has increased by a whopping 260 percent (!!), helmet use has gone up 95 percent and sidewalk riding has decreased by 80 percent. Pretty awesome, right?
Now, here’s our homework, friends. With the rise of bike-share programs in other cities, maintaining our lead when it comes to bicycle commuting won’t be easy. The report states that in order for Philly to keep its number one spot, the city will need to invest in infrastructure to encourage more people to ride. In other words, more bike lanes, please.
Want more brag-worthy stats? Check out the Bicycle Coalition’s nifty infographic below.
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