Atlantic City Makes “Unfriendliest Cities” List In Conde Nast

And the hits just keep on coming.

Photo courtesy  Wikimedia Commons.

Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

Revel is bankrupt (again!). Casinos are closing. Property taxes are going up 29 percent. And now this: Conde Nast just named Atlantic City one of the most unfriendly cities in the entire country. A.C. just can’t catch a break.

Conde Nast just revealed the result of its annual Readers’ Choice Survey, and Atlantic City landed at #4 on the 2014 Friendliest and Unfriendliest Cities in the U.S. list. And that’s worse than the 2013 list, where Atlantic City was the fifth most unfriendly.

Here’s what Conde Nast has to say:

Readers acknowledge that it’s been a rough road for this seaside spot: “It’s struggling with competition from Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland casinos, and the staff are becoming increasingly vocal about cutbacks,” says one respondent. Some don’t think that the “the shopping, nightlife, or dining is anything spectacular,” but others argue there’s plenty to appreciate aside from gambling—if you know where to look. “You can take a break from the machines/tables with a walk on the historic boardwalk or take a dip in the world famous beach.”

This is the second year that Conde Nast included friendliness in its survey, and they asked readers to base the decision on whether or not they “felt welcome.”

And “most dangerous” Wilmington, Delaware didn’t fare well, either, taking ninth place. Philadelphia didn’t make the unfriendliest or the friendliest cities lists.

Here is the Conde Nast ranking:

Unfriendliest Cities in the United States
10. Miami
9. Wilmington, Delaware
8. The Hamptons, New York
7. Los Angeles
6. Detroit
5. New Haven, Connecticut
4. Atlantic City, New Jersey
3. Hartford, Connecticut
2. Oakland, California
1. Newark, New Jersey


Friendliest Cities in the United States
10. Asheville, North Carolina
8. Nashville, Tennessee (tie)
8. Key West, Florida (tie)
7. Jackson Hole, Wyoming
6. Fort Worth, Texas
5. New Orleans
4. Telluride, Colorado
3. San Antonio
2. Savannah, Georgia
1. Charleston, South Carolina