Theresa Santai-Gaffney Denied Right to Appeal PA Marriage Equality Ruling—Again

Theresa Santai-Gaffney has taken steps to appeal Pennsylvania's recent marriage equality ruling. Photo by Republican & Herald.

Theresa Santai-Gaffney denied her final request to appeal Pennsylvania’s same-sex marriage ruling. Photo by Republican & Herald.

Third times a charm? I’d say three strikes and you’re out is more fitting in this case. Schuylkill County Register of Wills Theresa Santai-Gaffney—you know the name; it’s the woman who has stopped at nothing to appeal Pennsylvania’s recent marriage equality rulingrecently plead her case to the Supreme Court of the United States. And she was denied. Again. Without comment. More from SCOTUS Blog:

Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., denied without comment a Pennsylvania county clerk’s plea to stop [same-sex] marriages in that state.  That appears to remove the last potential legal barrier to Pennsylvania becoming the nineteenth state in which same-sex marriages are permitted. A federal judge struck down the state ban, and state officials declined to appeal. The Schuylkill County clerk sought to appeal in their place, but that move has now been turned down at all three levels of the federal court system.  The Pennsylvania case had no direct link to the Utah case discussed in the post below.

What is it the kids are saying these days? Oh: Bye, Felicia.