EQUALITY TODAY: ACLU Takes Action to Expedite PA Marriage Equality Ruling

Why Marriage Matters PA reports that the ACLU of Pennsylvania has just filed a motion for summary judgement in major PA marriage equality case Whitewood v. Wolf. The filing requests that the judge make a ruling that says denying marriage to same-sex couples in Pennsylvania is unconstitutional.

Since the state of Pennsylvania does not dispute the facts in the case — that the denial of marriage harms same-sex couples and their families— the ACLU of PA’s action today could result in an expedited ruling without the need for a trial. [Editors note: They say it could come as early as next month.]

We’re just one step closer to striking down Pennsylvania’s marriage ban once and for all. With this momentum on our side, we hope in the coming weeks that the judge will agree with the plaintiffs in Whitewood v. Wolf who want nothing more than to protect their families right here at home.

Ted Martin from Equality PA also released a statement:

We are pleased that the state has agreed to allow the Whitewood v. Wolf case to proceed in this expedient manner. All committed couples in Pennsylvania should be allowed to share in the freedom to marry, and we hope the court will come to the same reasonable decision that the majority of Pennsylvanians have come to — that all families should be treated with the same dignity and respect.

Why Marriage Matters has started a petition in support of the plaintiffs in Whitewood v. Wolf. You can sign that here.