The Checkup: 5 No-Equipment Moves to Melt Your Muffin Top

• Sorry to shatter all your excuses, but you don’t need to schlep to a gym to get a good workout. Case in point: This excellent five-move workout that targets your muffin top (a.k.a. the stock-pile of fat around your midsection) and doesn’t require a lick of equipment. Boom. [POPSUGAR Fitness]
• Aaaand, there’s more. Biggest Loser winner Rachel Frederickson, who shocked the world with her teeny-tiny body at the show’s finale, says she worked out for six hours a day (!!!) in order to look like that. Madness or dedication? You decide. [Women’s Health]
• I need this so, so badly: How to have pretty feet always and forever. (Cold winters be damned.) [Prevention]
• I’m just throwing this one out there: 8 exercises that’ll perk up your boobs. Don’t say I never shared anything useful. [Self]
• WTF is going on with Bob Costas’s eye, anyway? [HealthDay]
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